Sunday, August 30, 2015

He's prepared the way

 Change has a way of sneaking up on you, sure you know it's coming, you're preparing for it even, then you wake up one morning and realize the thing you've been waiting for your whole life is here and you are facing all sorts of everything. I'm facing lasts, firsts, still trying to finish planning things as well as making all the arrangements you don't realize you need to make until people start asking questions and you realize that a shoulder shrug is not an adequate response. Then add into that school starting tomorrow, is this really happening? I've watched countless others start back, but I've been so caught up in planning, I didn't even buy notebooks until Saturday night and that's only because I was buying towels for the apartment, wow I'm just a bit out of the normal loop.

 As I think about all the things that need to happen this week and then add school on top I really just want to stay under my blankets tomorrow and wait 'til Saturday. And at this moment I don't even have any conclusions or good moral of the stories to take away from this. In fact some of you are probably even wondering why I'm taking the time to write this, yes I'm stressed and I'm sure many before me and many after have been or will be stressed, I guess it is just part of the human condition. So I guess what I'm trying to learn this week is that yes stress comes and causes us to lose perspective, we focus on all the details that need to get done and miss the meaning of what we are doing, we forget the why. No matter what happens this weekend, we don't buy bridge mix, we are late getting cake out to guests, the boutineers droop a little bit or we have one extra person at the luncheon, it doesn't matter, we are getting married and sealed in the temple of our God, we are making covenants that will bless us into eternity, can anything really compare to that? Our Heavenly Father is inviting us into his home to receive blessings and make a covenant with Him. The ultimate power in the universe wants us to get married and will help us in this endeavor because He actually understands all of the blessings He's promised us and so He'll help us.

God's gift of grace can make me (and each of us) more than we are ourselves. So all the details in the world pale in comparison to what He can accomplish when we let Him have the lead.

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