We are facing a crisis in our Nation. This crisis is not directly linked to guns or fighting in the streets or news media sites or the economy. This crisis is linked directly to a mind-set, a mind-set that anything we hear is true, anything the government does is right..or wrong depending on your political leaning. We live in a world where we don't teach our children to think for themselves. Gone are the days of sitting around the table and discussing how the world works and how we can influence the world. I've enjoyed watching the show "Blue Bloods" with my family as each episode shows a family dinner with discussions of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and rights accorded to each person in the legal, justice system. The nephews in the show, boys as young as eight are learning about rights, justice and how the world isn't always fair, but we can be fair. If we are to survive this crisis we must start asking the hard questions, having the discussions and learning how we can be fair.
Right now we face fighting in the streets, the Ferguson case has torn communities apart. I read the words of an 83 yr old black man who thinks that those rioting in the streets can do better. I think his message applies to all of us, are we lying to ourselves to get gain or do we see the world as it really is. I apologize for his language, but I feel his message is quite powerful.
"You blame white people for your ignorance, criminal acts, unemployed laziness, etc.
-You blame white people for 89% of the prisons in America being full of blacks. They did nothing wrong, the racists white cops framed them all, right? No chance at school, no chance for college, military, employment?
More n*****s kill n*****s, than n*****s killing whites, whites killing n*****s, and whites killing whites….COMBINED. I find this astounding.
-It's not white peoples' faults, the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by a white man years ago. You can go to school, get a job, buy a house, and vote, JUST LIKE WHITE FOLKS!!!! You are not a slave, you are not discriminated against! Slavery is abolished, and nobody alive today, was alive when it was popular. Get over it! You are discriminated against because you are a criminal, sorry-assed n*****. Otherwise, black Americans are treated like everyone else.
-If you choose to create "baby daddy and baby mama", and fake disabilities as an excuse for laziness to draw social security disability…… instead of husband, wife, family, job, mortgage, it's YOUR FAULT, not white folks. And there are a lot of proud black Americans that will tell you the same, as I AM ONE OF THEM!!!
-Remember, the way you act on the camera, is remembered by everyone who sees it. They will never forget it. It shows them how you, as the black race, respond to situations that don’t particularly go the way you think they should. It will become a reference standard, something they expect from you when the next media report doesn’t go your way. Stop being stupid n*****s, and be a proud black American. My parents raised me well, but they were wrong about one thing, I am not a n*****.
After I die, I have asked my children to publish my writings, and include my name. Although I am not expecting any miracles, I can only hope that Americans will stop blaming color, start blaming criminals, and see people for what they really are. We have too many countries that want us dead. We should not be fighting each other."
"William G. Lillas"
We can't blame others for the choices we make. Too many in the world today are quick to point fingers at everyone else instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. At some point we have to stand up and say no!
We have people protesting all across the nation. I support protesting, I support the rights accorded by the First Amendment to everyone. I simply want to ask one little thing? Do you know what those rights really are? Do you know those rights guarantee you the right to freedom of speech, but it doesn't eradicate the consequences.
We live in a world that is trying to eradicate consequences. The media, the government and popular culture has gotten together and tells us anything goes. We can allow marijuana, we can allow gay marriage, we can do whatever we want to do, don't pay your bills, the government will take care of it. Don't worry about health care the government will pay for it. Don't care about my opinion because it is unfair to the minority. I am not calling for persecution or prosecution for those who think differently than myself, but I am asking that others respect my ideas and my beliefs.
Dear peers and those of generations in the world today. We face a battle, not of guns or bombs, but of standing firm. The world has crossed so many lines, yet many stand aside and think it won't get worse. I promise you it will. One day we will pay the price for this "anything goes" mentality.
I've spoken many things, but the one thing I want anyone who reads this blog to think about is...we all have choices and there are consequences to those choices. Please oh please when you hear something on the radio or on the news don't reach for your hot button reaction, think about how different acts that are passed will affect us years and decades down the rode. Change is coming, our actions today determine whether we will have a world for our children to live in.
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