Sunday, December 27, 2015

Somehow we will make it through

That moment when you feel empty inside, that moment when you have prayed and prayed and prayed so hard and feel like you got nothing. When you watch someone you love hurting and you pray to know what to say and nothing, that moment when you beg for relief and it feels as if the heavens are closed, the windows bolted shut and God far away. You're sure He has a reason for being distant, but you feel so alone and forsaken. I'm sure we've all seen this quote before, and if not here it is:

And intellectually it makes sense, but it doesn't take the hurt away and it doesn't quite jive with the Atonement either. Instead perhaps it is more like a test where the teacher allows you to have a note card cheat sheet, you can put on all the information you need, yet you wouldn't think of it as asking the teacher for help, even though it was his kindness and suggestive fore thought that helped you get the answers right. Sometimes for whatever reason Heavenly Father doesn't send a clear message that presents the answer to our pleas, sometimes He simply sends the light of Christ into our heart, the strength to keep going, the strength to endure, the strength to maintain our faith that what is today, is not necessarily what will be tomorrow, the faith that He does love us, even though the adversary seems to have a bull horn and the Lord is a whisper from across the stadium. We don't realize the power of faith, until we cannot hear the Lord yet we choose Him still. This life was meant to present us with choices, it was meant to try us to our limits and keep us growing, not so that we would be miserable, but so that we could find strength in faith and trust that even if our answers don't seem to come, that our Father is waiting just out of whisper distance until we've proved to ourselves that we know He is there, that He loves us and somehow we will make it through.

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