We live in a very troubled world, with hate, divisions along racial lines, hatred building over a political race, fears about ISIS and Syrian refugees, tv shows promoting violence, demeaning the family and preparing a new generation to embrace a world that was unheard of just ten years ago. We live in a time when Babylon wants to train our children for us, they want to feed them full of lies that they can do whatever they want without consequence and are entitled to the best this world has to offer, never learning that hard work is required, that it is okay to sit still and listen and that laws and rules are what gives us power. In the council before coming to this earth Heavenly Father set forth a plan with laws given and obedience required and exaltation hanging in the balance if we choose to obey. Satan stepped forward offering to lead us, not to be obedient, but to eliminate laws, he didn't want God's power because God's power comes through obedience to eternal laws, he wanted to eliminate law so that we could be free to do whatever we want. This sounds delightful to our world trained minds, ooh we can do whatever we want whenever we want, but there's a catch, we never learn, we never grow, we never become like God, because God was forged in a fire of law and order, our spirits are forged in a fire of obedience and love.
Because Satan gave up his power he seeks to have us give up our power. Our power comes when we chose to enact the power of God in our lives when we release the things of this world because we remember that we came from a better one. The so called pleasures of this world pale in comparison to the joys of the world to come, yet Satan would have us believe that eternal blessings are so far away and that if God really loved us He'd bless us more and give us what we want. By tempting us to question God he moves us away from our divine birth right. In the New Testament when Satan comes to Christ tempting him, the temptation wasn't to have Christ turn stones into bread, the temptation came with the word "if", if thou art the Son of God. Satan wanted Christ to doubt His divine role and potential. Satan comes to us in much the same way, if he can cause us to doubt our role in God's plan, to doubt that we are heir's to the Celestial Kingdom, if he can cause us to think God has forsaken us, then he takes away our power and brings us closer to him. That is not the place we want to be, trust me, because once Satan binds you and draws you down to hell he forsakes and forgets you, he no longer cares about your struggles, pains or regrets, he simply cares that he has taken some other person from their divine gifts and birth rights. Heavenly Father weeps when we leave His protective care, He hurts when we question His power and His love of us. Even after we are bound by Satan's chains our loving Father seeks after us, He sends the power of the Atonement to draw us back to our loving Savior to make us clean and renew our strength. Our Heavenly Mother will move heaven and earth to help us know how loved we are.*
We are loved, Satan will do all he can to discourage us, to have us feel alone, unwanted, un-needed and uncared for. But we are so very loved, we are so very needed, cared for and wanted. Our Heavenly Parents gave their only begotten Son to save all of us. Our Savior gave himself because of His love for each of us. We lived with them before coming to this earth, we knew them intimately and they tutored and helped us to learn, grow and prepare for this earth life. Please don't let Satan win, don't let him convince you to sell your birth rite, to give up that what is most precious because of doubt or fear. Heavenly Father can cure those doubts, He can, He might not answer every question or give us instant gratification, but He will be there, He will send His angels, He will send those we love more than life to succor us and help us through. We are promised heaven and earth, please hold on, hope on and don't let Satan trade your Godly power for something that only looks good in the moment.
*LDS Hymn 292