Have you ever had that moment when you were talking with a friend you hadn't talked with in a while and they were asking you all these questions you'd resolved months ago and had gone down a completely different path? Well, yep that was me this week. I was enjoying a visit with lots of new updates and plenty of exciting new adventures when this friend asked me how my job search was going. I told her about my work at the campus library and my new adventures. In our last conversation ( of two months ago) we'd talked about my efforts of getting into the medical community and my goals in the future. Since that time I applied for some jobs and none felt right until the digital librarian invited me to help with digitizing an oral history project for the community. I have so loved my work and though I still don't know how much time I have there I've loved it and known it is just the place I need to be.
As we talked the other night I realized my friend had no clue about this month long journey and wanted to know about jobs I'd previously looked at. In that moment I realized just how far afield the Spirit had taken me and I have no specific, confirmed idea of where I'll end up and I realized it didn't matter. Though my journey has not gone where I thought it would it has still taken me to okay places. Sometimes meandering paths can be just as nerve-wracking as bumps in the road.
We as human beings get so focused on what we think we should be doing. In our moments of clarity we think we see a complete path in front of us, when in reality the Lord has given us a glimpse of where to start. I'm so thankful for the Lord's patience with me as I strive to find just where those glimpses are taking me. When life seems to meander in unknown paths trust in a loving Heavenly Father who knows the beginning of the path to the end and He will guide us safely on. May the Spirit of the Lord be with us this week as we strive to find just where we are meant to be.
Pres Eyring,
cannot promise an end to your adversity in this life. I cannot assure
you that your trials will seem to you to be only for a moment. One of
the characteristics of trials in life is that they seem to make clocks
slow down and then appear almost to stop.
are reasons for that. Knowing those reasons may not give much comfort,
but it can give you a feeling of patience. Those reasons come from this
one fact: in Their perfect love for you, Heavenly Father and the Savior
want you fitted to be with Them to live in families forever. Only those
washed perfectly clean through the Atonement of Jesus Christ can be
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