Sunday, September 27, 2015

Captain my Captain

My dear sweet husband has been dealing with one stressed cookie today. In our post wedding, post honeymoon, post opened presents world I am feeling so stressed to get things put away, keep track of our presents and not lose the cards that have money or gift cards in them and not to mention getting thank you cards out. So I just want to shout out to everyone, thank you so much for your love and support on our wedding day and the much love that continues popping up afterward. I apologize for my tardiness in sending out cards of gratitude, it just keeps abounding and I have no idea how to keep up.

So I'm learning a thing or two, stress does not make things go better or faster and it puts your spouse at a loss. I'm grateful for my husband's kind patience in looking for things that I put away and for reminding me that things take time and people won't feel less loved if things take time.

There are so many things in this life that we think we need to stress over. So many of my prayers include pleas for help to get this thing done and that thing done and guidance of what to do, who to become and how to do it. All of these things are good and important and should have a place in our lives. But as I learned this morning, when I take my game plan of things I need to the Lord more often then not He'll respond, not quite, be patient, have faith and wait. We need to be anxiously engaged and we should be seeking for God's direction in our lives, but there is true power in being still and knowing He is control. As we pray every morning for an open heart to receive His direction and as we seek His will He will direct and help us, but if we get too caught up in our plan or if we are stressed into a corner we are not able to be directed. There is true power in allowing Christ to be our Captain and guide and trusting Him to direct and help. We can't do everything ourselves, the beauty is that we aren't supposed to.

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