Sunday, June 26, 2016

We Each Could Use a Bit More of that Love

Sometimes the hatred I see around me just makes me hurt. I see Clinton supporters pointing fingers at Berny supporters, pointing fingers at Trump who is pointing fingers at everyone. I just saw a shirt that said, roughly, "when people complain about the current generation I want to tell them to think about who raised that generation." It seems as if people keep pointing fingers because no one dares slow down enough to really think about what is at stake and what is really going on. If you keep people on edge long enough they'll forget how to slow down, start listening, realize there are commonalities with the people around them and start building bridges not burn them.

I was at a local rodeo the other day and felt my heart start to race just a little bit as I saw the flag flapping in the wind as an attendant came galloping in on her horse. My heart raced again as I heard the music singing for our veterans. There has been much talk of late about lying, deceit, poor reasons, hatred and bigotry concerning the wars the U.S has fought, it seems like every time I turn around I see someone logically trying to point out why I am wrong, narrow minded, full of hate or just plain stupid for living my faith.

Life is too short and overwhelming to spend our lives trying to point out the negative and the different. It's interesting how we humans can help a random person on the street and then go and typecast that person as part of a group that you can never see eye to eye with. Perhaps as humans we need to take the time to realize that each person is an individual with their own heartaches, frustrations, joys and triumphs. Each of us on this earth were sent here to learn, grow and progress, that will look different for everyone. Each of us sat down in a personal interview with our Heavenly Father, we talked about what we would face here and what we would need to to do to return to Him. We realized there were no guarantees, but that we would have help along the way. Because we don't know the path we each agreed to we cannot judge others whether they have left their path or not. We cannot pass judgement nor even think about it, because we have our own role and purpose here on this earth. Hopefully part of that path and role involves sharing the love of our Savior Jesus Christ and our dear Father in Heaven, because we each could use a bit more of that love.

There are many times I have forgotten that, I've forgotten that the path I have chosen isn't for everyone and more importantly isn't perfect, is not without flaw or hurt sometimes, but that is what humanity is all about, sometimes we fumble, sometimes we hurt, sometimes we speak without thinking, but we ask for forgiveness and we give forgiveness and we just just keep trying.

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