Sunday, July 24, 2016

A Peculiar People

In Sacrament meeting the last few weeks we've been learning about pioneers and defining what a pioneer is, the definition goes something like this a person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area. As we hear about our kindred dead, those who went before, who crossed trails, waded streams and underwent hardship, many I hear say that they wouldn't want to live like that, that they lack the faith to leave their country, family and friends and give up everything for the gospel. Yet though we may not wear bloomers or cross grasslands and rivers in button down boots we are still commanded and have covenanted to do those very things; to leave country and any negative influences that keep us away from the light of the gospel. We have covenanted to give all to our Savior Jesus for it is through Him that we have all that we have. 

Today I learned about a new group of pioneers that I have never thought about before. We know the story of the people of King Lamoni who after his miraculous conversion experience went to his father who threatened his life and later was converted by working with Aaron. The people in these lands became the people called the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's. They changed their names and buried their swords as a covenant with the Lord that they had truly changed, they laid down the weapons of their rebellion. (Alma 23:7) They are an amazing story of faith especially as they went into field, prostrated themselves before the oncoming army and were cut down in the very act of saying praise unto the Lord. Yet there is another story here that I have never considered before, that of the wives of the Anti Nephi Lehi's. They willingly sent their husbands into the field with no shields and no weapons and 1005 of those women never saw their husbands again. Fast forward 30 chapters in the book of Alma. In Alma 53 and 56 we are introduced to the 2000 stripling warriors, these young men wanted to fight with the Nephites so that the people of Ammon who covenanted to bury their swords would not have to fight. In Alma 56:46-47 Helaman asked them if they would go into battle. These 2000 stripling warriors (15-17 year olds) said that their mothers had taught them that if they trusted God they would return home. These mothers could very well be the wives who said good bye to their husbands years before and never saw them in this life again. Yet these women could send their sons into battle and promise them the Lord would watch over them. How could they do that, how could they sacrifice sons after knowing what had happened years before, the answer is that they had faith not to get what they wanted. In the August Ensign Elder Bednar asks a couple if they have faith for the husband not to be healed, could they trust the Lord not to save him? This is faith, yes we should trust that the Lord will answer our prayers and we must have faith that sometimes the answer is no or not yet. These wives and mothers understood that their husbands were one with the purpose of the Lord and instead of becoming bitter they taught their sons that same faith. They were pioneers, they were truly converted, they understood that despite death and opposition the Lord would do wonders among them, all that was required was faith.

We have made similar covenants, we have been called away from the Lord, we have been called to be a peculiar people, we have promised to be like Christ, to remember him and testify of him. Are we doing that? Are we showing the world and our families that we know Christ, that we trust him whatever he asks of us? I know I am far from perfect and that sometimes He must call many times and even then my feet are heavy, yet he always makes up the difference, our God is a loving God, our Savior bled and died for us and all he asks is that we remember and trust Him. I hope we can find a way to be an Anti-Nephi-Lehi wife, to be a pioneer, for the call has come we are to be a peculiar and unique people, blazing trails for future generations. 

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