Many people feel that the job of the government is to provide for the needs of its people, health care, food, gas, education and jobs for all. This attitude cripples a nation for it destroys a need for ambition, working towards goals and finding strength and purpose through hardship. I know that there are many in this country who suffer and go through things that I will never understand, hardships that weaken their will to survive, help is necessary, but not more faceless money, placing a band-aid over an ever widening cut. A dole from the government may help in that moment, but ultimately takes away the opportunity for others to exercise charity and serve their fellow man.
This means of course that we who are not facing heart ache must rise up in the face of need and serve as our Father in Heaven would have us serve.
As Howard W. Hunter continues "If man will not recognize the inequalities around him and voluntarily, through the gospel plan, come to the aid of his brother, he will find that through “a democratic process” he will be forced to come to the aid of his brother. The government will take from the “haves” and give to the “have nots.” Both have lost their freedom...Under this climate, people gradually become blind to what has happened and to the vital freedoms which they have lost."
Heber J. Grant addressing this same issue said " The aim of the Church is to help the people to help themselves. Work is to be re-enthroned as the ruling principle of the lives of our Church membership." I would say that as a society, work and effort must be re-enthroned. We live in a society where so much is given to us, they even talk of free community colleges, I believe an education is key to progress, but why are some given a free college education, while others have the potential to be taxed on their education savings account? Does that seem wrong to anybody else? We have allowed to be duped by flashy tag-lines and talking heads that purposely spin stories in scheming ways. We are losing our liberties with cheers throughout the land because people don't want to live up to the principles which are at the foundation of this nation, freedom, liberty, individualism and good old fashioned work. Lady Liberty weeps for us.
Ezra Taft Benson puts it this way: "Society may rationalize immorality, but God cannot condone it. Society sponsors Sabbath-breaking, but the Church counsels otherwise. Society profanes the name of Deity, but Latter-day Saints cannot countenance it. Because society condones a dole, which demoralizes man and weakens his God-given initiative and character, can we?"
David B. Haight said it this way: " when the Lord established his way of caring for those in need, the “world,” or government, introduced its form of dole assistance—a counterfeit alternative to the Lord’s way. In most instances, the world’s way dismissed the principle of individual work and family responsibility and adopted the philosophy that “the government will take care of our needs” or “the government owes us a living.” Individual and family initiative was supplanted by government handouts. The true spirit of love for our neighbor and concern for others as taught by the Savior had been generally ignored."
How can we prepare a brighter future? First we must inform our senators that this new tax law is not what the nation wants nor will it provide for a bright future. Until we as a people, the near silent majority share what to say, we only have ourselves to blame for the loss of money through taxes and loss of right to serve our fellow men.
Next we follow Marion G. Romney's advice: "
We fear many parents in the Church are making “gullible gulls” out
of their children with their permissiveness and their doling out of
family resources. Parents who place their children on the dole are just
as guilty as a government which places its citizens on the dole. In
fact, the actions of parents in this area can be more devastating than
any government program.
Bishops and other
priesthood leaders can be guilty of making “gullible gulls” out of their
ward members. Some members become financially or emotionally dependent
on their bishops. A dole is a dole whatever its source. All of our
Church and family actions should be directed toward making our children
and members self-reliant."
We train our children today how to work for their daily bread and goals, to help them understand that actions come with consequences and right choices bring greater peace and joy. I understand what it is to struggle with money, I wasn't able to pay for last semester on my own, living at home in preparation for my soon to come nuptials, I am considered their dependent, yet I pay for school on my own. It never ceases to amaze me that though I earn less than $8,000 a year, I can't get help to pay my way through two $3,20, not counting books. But this experience has taught me how to budget and learn how to track expenses so I can pay my parents back as soon as I am able. Their teaching has taught me the value of money and effort. Take our power back, teach your children to give appropriate value to hard work, money and an education.
No longer allow our liberty to die with cheering in the streets and thunderous applause in our hallowed halls.

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