“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.” ~ Confucius
I'm not here today to talk about two parent families, or heterosexual couple families or the many other options for family, though two parent, different gender parents are very important. Today I want to talk about making the family relationships we have strong.
"Sustainable societies depend upon strong families. Nations that seek to remain economically and politically vital must reproduce themselves; children are most likely to thrive—socially, emotionally, and economically—when they enjoy the shelter and stability of an intact, married family; marriage is most beneficial for children when both parents are positively invested in their lives; and families are most likely to flourish when they can be built upon strong economic foundations. These are the truths that inform the work of the Institute for Family Studies..."
(a new initiative dedicated to strengthening marriage and family life, and advancing the welfare of children through research and public education.) (here is the link if you want to read more of their research http://ifstudies.org/strong-families-sustainable-societies/
What the quote from the Institute for Family Studies is saying comes down to societies must have strong families at the center of the nation or societies cannot survive. We need children raised in homes where they know they are loved; meaning they are disciplined, given time with their parents and siblings and supported in positive endeavors.
Sis. Julie B. Beck of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stated that teenagers growing to be young adults are losing confidence in themselves to be able to form a marriage bond with someone. They are unable to form bonds now, so they fear they won't be able to form bonds that really matter later. Why can't they form relationships with peers? Because our youth and many of us adults have lost the ability to communicate. We are so focused on our tablets, instant messaging, facebook, twitter and texting that our society is losing the ability to communicate on a face to face level. How do we fix this?
We fix it in the home. Until we turn the tv off and limit tablet time our children will continue losing their ability to form lasting bonds with others. I just returned home from visiting my sister on the other end of the state, that visit made this weekend very special, sometimes texting isn't enough, we need face to face contact. How many of your kids like their siblings? How many of your kids like you? Now I realize that some teenagers go through the "hating parents stage", but it doesn't have to be that way. My parents established rules for us and let us know there were always consequences for our decisions, and they were the people in my corner during high school. They were the ones I shared my troubles with and my mom was the one who heard all my boy troubles. Next to my parents my siblings were my best friends. I am so grateful for the many times my older sister took me out for ice cream or just came into my room to talk, those are the times of my growing up years I cherish. Don't let these opportunities of building relationships pass you by. What you tweet as a child is calling for you isn't near as important as the hug they give you after you help them or the relationship of trust you build as they know you are in their corner.
I don't mean to sound preachy, I don't have kids and I don't have a smart phone, but I know I can tell my family just about anything and I know they'll support me, especially in the tough times. Our nation needs families who stand up for truth and good morals and who know how to instill this in their children. These attempts won't always be perfect, but the effort is never wasted, each time you are teaching your children how important you think family is. I am so grateful for the family and God-fearing town that raised me. At the top of the post I placed a super man emblem-ed flag. I would encourage each of you to become a "super family member", make your family important to you. Right a note telling them of a special memory or play a get together as an extended family.
I know I will cherish for weeks the arms of my niece and nephews around my neck, that is love and love has the ability to change the world, one human heart at a time.
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