Sunday, November 29, 2015

Life is too short

This Thanksgiving weekend most definitely did not turn out as I was expecting. It started out well enough with getting some extra hours at work and getting some really good deals at Smith's, yet by the time I got home I was one grumpy lady. As my husband says, when I come in the door barking he knows there's trouble. What still makes me sad is that I didn't notice until hours later and I couldn't figure out why he was so distant. It took until 11 pm to finally sort everything out, talk through everything and for us to be okay. That night as I cried alone in my bedroom my heart hurt to think about the pain I had caused my kind hearted husband and how I had set the wrong tone in my house. I had opened our home to negative influences because I contribute to the spirit of my home. We have so much control over what happens in our home and I don't think we realize it enough. We control how we feel based on what we bring into our home and what we invite inside through media and emotions. Wednesday I learned that if I come home angry, whether I consciously make the choice or not that spirit reverbrates in my home and changes how I interact with the people I love. We do have a choice. Now I realize that we can't always control everything that comes out of our mouth, but I do know that what we focus on in our thoughts will at some point come out of our mouth. If we want to say positive things then we need to dwell on positive things in our thoughts. Sometimes things will just come out, sometimes we say things we instantly regret, the key is to apologize as soon as we feel that regret. Don't let the negativity keep growing. Don't let what you said grow a wedge between you and those you love.

Just because we can't unsay what comes out of our mouth, we can restore peace and harmony by saying and showing that we are sorry. The power of the Atonement can heal any hurt, but the longer the hurt lasts the harder it is to forget about it. So when something negative comes out do not waste time or bow to pride and wait to say you're sorry. Life is too short to let hurt last any longer than it takes to say I'm sorry.

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