Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Future is Bright, as Bright as Our Faith

The future is as bright as your faith. I've never realized before just how important those words are to live by. If faith and fear cannot coincide together and we feel fear our future is rather bleak, yet if we choose faith then our future can be bright. The adversary, Satan, wants us to feel fear and despair because the more we feel fear the darker our perspective and the less able we are to feel the mercy and love of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Today at the temple dedication I felt so much love, I needed the messages of renewal and do-overs we received. I needed the reminder that temples heal broken hearts and show us the love our Heavenly Father has for us. We can be endowed with power and receive all we need to pass the angels in order to return to the presence of our Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father means for us to return to Him, He wants it so badly and His forgiveness is infinite.

This week I have chastised myself so many times, I feel like I am not living up to my potential as a wife and as a latter-day saint. So many nights dishes go undone or meals come off half done because I need to do homework. So many nights I feel like I am falling short on getting school work done, being a supportive scout leader, feeling unable to see the positive before me and instead feeling as if I'm always falling short in prayer, scripture study and service. I often find myself wondering if I will find myself on the right hand of God.

The world is changing, it is a theme I have brought up often in the last weeks because it spends so much time on my mind. I feel a bit like Galadriel, the world is changing, the water and earth tell me the world is changing. I don't know how to explain it, but I know that things will not long continue on as they are. I also know that Satan is increasing his attacks upon the children of God, that is all of us. He wants to cripple us with fear and make us think that we will never accomplish anything, that we will always fall short of the glory of God and that we will never measure up. In days such as these we need  to remember that when we feel stunted and weighted down this is not the spirit and it is not from the Lord. Our Savior seeks to always buoy us up, to remind us of our power and to help us become what we can be. He suffered in a garden for us so that he could understand what makes us ache, to understand our fears and to feel what we feel when we feel so far from God. He felt everyone of those things so that we would not feel them alone, so that He would know how to succor us. The message of this Easter season is that we are not alone, that the future can be bright and beautiful, no matter what may happen in the world, no matter how far we feel we are falling short we can rise again and that ultimately we aren't near as far gone as we think we are. We have a power within us to do great things, all we need to do is to find our purpose and keep moving forward, keep trying and keep that fire of courage burning that each new day we have a voice saying I'll try again today and every night we'll say "I'll try again tomorrow."

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