Sunday, April 3, 2016

Couldn't we all use just a bit more light?

I saw a lot of talk today about "controversial" commercials in between conference sessions. When I say controversial I mean commercials about Saturday's Warriors, food dryers and a safety dome tent. Now in my mind the only controversy in those commercials came from the Saturday's Warriors movie that is coming out...although I admit that I am a bit curious and might watch it,  but I digress. The Church pays for their time on tv they carefully select everything that comes on from the beginning of conference, in between sessions and work to keep the spirit with those watching from the beginning to the end. It is no accident what we saw.

All over facebook today I have seen people saying they support the Apostles of the Lord, they sustain the prophet. I want you to think for a minute about three years before 2008 when the housing market crashed, for conferences before and leading up to 2005 many of the talks focused on becoming self-reliant, getting out of debt, paying off your house and getting savings in order. Those talks of preparation stopped right before 2008 when the economy went crazy. Many people were blessed for following the counsel of those talks. I remember through my growing up years hearing talks about getting our food storage, getting out of debt, getting our 72 hour kits and having cash on hand. Those talks have stopped now. Now, as in today and yesterday we are hearing talks about loving our neighbor, reaching out to those in need, succoring the stranger, going to the temple, strengthening homes and families, making our marriages strong and knowing we are loved.

Imagine for just a moment that the prophecies of centuries actually come true. Elder Hales said that the day of the coming of our Savior is drawing nigh. For centuries prophets have foretold of the earthquakes in diverse places (which speaker said that this weekend?) of wars and rumors of wars (where do refugees come from, war zones...) of the hearts of men growing weak (riots in the streets) of anti-christs and seeking things contrary to the will of God. This is the world we live in. For years I knew that this generation was closer to seeing the coming of Jesus Christ than any other, yet I never thought about what that means not good things will happen before we will be ready to see our Saviour again. Since 1910 and very likely before the leaders of the church have counseled us to have two years food storage and a horse for when motors break down. I don't know about the horse, but I know that families who had that food storage made it through two world wars and a depression better than they could have otherwise. Whatever is coming in our future the preparations our prophets and apostles have set us will be necessary. There will come a day when we will be so grateful for being obedient, heeding the call and preparing, for as President Uchtdorf said "it is by obedience that we gather light into our souls" in a world of gathering darkness couldn't we all use just a little bit more light?

There may come a day when we need all the miracles and light we can get. That day may be tomorrow it may be in a week, a month or a year, but it will come and you'll be grateful you were ready then.

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