Sunday, February 4, 2018

The Time is Now

The times of restfulness are past, yes we can have moments to rest, but the times of peace are past and the times for battle are here.

We can no longer sit back and say that all is well in Zion and be content to coast. We are in a battle for our souls and that means that we can't afford to expect for things to be easy or to look for the simplest path of least resistance. Satan tells us that if we are righteous things will be easy. Look at Christ's life and we know that idea is a lie. Righteousness doesn't mean easy, it means having peace of mind when the going gets tough, it means consistently seeking to improve yourself and always seeking progress even when you just want to rest. It means facing the demons and trusting to the Lord to send angels to our aid. It means trying, trying and trying again.

It means extending the hand of mercy when we feel we have been dealt with unfairly. It means looking to ourselves as the agent of change instead of blaming food, tv, addictions or other people for our bad habits. It means fighting for things we feel are important even when those around us say we are over-achieving. It means following the Spirit to move where we need to move even when things don't seem to be fitting the way we thought they would, it means continually working to improve ourselves in the small things because we know the little things prepare us and lead us to the big things. It means having faith and trusting in the Lord's time when your arms ache to hold your babies and all you have is the promise they will be yours one day, even as you stand in a sealing room mirror feeling oh so alone. It means continuing in faith when things just don't seem to be working out and shadows of days past seem to be creeping up on you again. It means responding in love, when you would like to yell and cry instead. It means trying new things to expand ourselves when we think the old way works just fine, but the Lord has something different in mind. It means giving and not counting the cost.

The adversary is not just the father of lies, the father of contention, the great deceiver and the fallen star of the morning. He is also the great distract-er. He would feed us a steady diet of mis-direction; preying upon our fears and have us so caught up freaked out in our own head that we never think to fact check what is going on in our heads and so caught up in self-absorption we see there are ways to serve and help that will get us out of our own situation. We are fighting a war, it may not be one of spears and trenches, but it is one with battle lines and opposing armies. What do we hope for in this life and the next? Do we want to be our best selves preparing for whatever will be asked of us or are we content to just keep walking along as we always have? I know I have my slumps, my survival modes, where I just can't seem to get out of my head and my fears, but I do want to do and become more. I want to be a warrior in the fight for right with my Savior Jesus Christ, I want to bear His message to the world. I want to be different, to stand out in new and happy ways. I want to be a light in an ever darkening world, I want to prepare for a personal interview with my Savior, the time for that interview is drawing nearer for each of us, we can no longer say the Second Coming is years away, it is coming, are we doing what is necessary to be ready to see Him face to face? A friend of mine mentioned that she isn't ready, because she feels she can do better on her end of their personal relationship and I whole-heartedly agree, there is much I can do to improve that relationship. All that is required is our desire and our surrender, our great Savior and Redeemer will do the rest.

In these the latter end of the last days are we ready? There comes a time when we need to choose whether we allow Satan to feed our fear or if we invite Christ to strengthen our faith, the time is now, what do we choose? Do we choose to coast or fight? I hope we each go to the Lord and ask Him how He would have us fight to prepare ourselves and the world to see Him again.

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