It is a wonderful thing to feel like every hour is being put to good use, I feel more alive and more connected to my life. Where just months before I felt like every day was speeding by and I wasn't sure how I was actually filling it, now I know, I have things I have accomplished, I have things I have learned, and I have joy each day because I know I am helping others find and live in their true selves. What a gift it is to help others and I ask you, what is a way that you can help others that no one else can do?
What is it that makes you fully you? I think there is something we all have to offer, maybe it is playing a musical instrument that brings joy to others, maybe it is writing stories that bring smiles to many faces, maybe it is cleaning your home and making it a safe and restful place to be for all who enter, maybe it is driving a bus and helping others get where they need to go, maybe it is designing new inventions that bless lives, maybe it is being just the parent your child needs.

There are no little gifts, there are no insignificant offerings. In this world we live in Heavenly Father needs just what we have to offer, His children need just what we have to offer. Satan will tell us that our offering is insignificant, or that we aren't doing any good, that we are over looked and not needed. You tell him to go away, in fact any lie that he tells you turn around and believe the opposite. If he tells you that your offerings are too small, you tell yourself that you are helping many, if he tells you they are insignificant you believe they are significant. If he tells you what you do doesn't matter, than you know without a shadow of a doubt that they do matter. The adversary deals in lies and discouragement, if he can get you down and discouraged in your purpose then you aren't there to bless the lives of someone else. If you are feeling discouraged tonight I hope you'll write down the good that you do. I hope you'll take the time to write down on a piece of paper "I have done something good today:" and list the good you have done, it doesn't matter what it was, having done it means you have brought light into the world, light it needed and you gave so selflessly.
What can you do to bring the light for yourself? What can you do to be your bestest self? When you find yourself and who you want to be then others dig deep and find their best selves. It seems at times that we are in a competition of who can be the most disappointed, who has lost the most or struggling the most. It is important to mourn with those who mourn, it is also so powerful to seek the good in your life and help others see the good in others. By speaking positively and looking for the best we raise the vibration of our lives so that those who enter also want to seek the best.
I hope as you go into the world this week we bear a dream of what your best self is, maybe that dream feels very far away, maybe it feels unattainable. A thing is never attainable if you don't try, but when you do try and you get even one step closer, think of how much better off you are, than you were.
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