To lay the ground work I would encourage you to look at the post The Voice that Lies (found: https://ofchoicesandconsequences.blogspot.com/2016/08/the-voice-that-lies.html) which explains that there are three different voices in our minds, we need to learn how to recognize each one, where they are coming from and what they hope for us to feel. Once we understand that there are adversarial voices encouraging us to feel guilty, feel we are of little worth, feel that we can't do anything, then there is our voice, trying to figure out who we are, who we want to be and what to do in order to be that person, and then there is the voice of the Spirit which invites us to remember who we were and helps to direct in how to reach who we are to become.
Each of us were sent to this earth for a purpose, with this purpose we were given tools and gifts to fulfill our mission in this life. As we work to discover and fulfill this purpose the adversary works to discourage us and his voice in our mind fills us with doubt and discouragement. I was definitely feeling a lot of doubt and discouragement this week. I was beginning to feel that I had misunderstood portions of the mission I thought I had received and feeling very low because other's agency was involved and I had hoped for a different response. For most of this week I let those thoughts wreak havoc in my mind, I tried to keep up my morning and evening thoughts, writing down the negative and trashing it and trying to count my blessings, but because I wasn't calling out the thoughts for what they were, lies from the adversary, I was still subject to their influence in my heart. On Friday as I was feeling very overwhelmed and second guessing every decision I had made of the last six weeks I realized that I hadn't invited the Savior into this battle. Last month I made it a goal to recite the Living Christ each day as I memorized it, since I have tried to say a paragraph or two so I could keep it fresh in my mind. As I have worked on this goal I have noticed the difference in my day when I recite it versus when I forget. Now I'm not saying you have to go out and memorize the Living Christ in 30 days, though I can bear witness that the Spirit that comes into your life is life changing, it invites the Savior into every aspect of our day and we begin to realize just how not alone we are. I testify that the Savior delights to be part of our lives and wants to be invited it. When we invite Him in, He immediately enters.
As we get closer to living our purpose the adversary will get louder in his attempt to distract and dishearten us. I would encourage you to combat his voice by writing down the lies, make conscious effort to be aware of what is going on in your mind. What lies are showing up? What discouragement seems to be getting louder? Are there clouds hanging over your head that you don't know how they got there? Once you start seeing what is going on, you then claim control of what is on the stage of your mind. Then once you see what is going on, and you claim control, find a way, whichever way is most effective to you, whether hymns, declarations, reading your patriarchal blessing or asking Heavenly Father how he feels about you, that you invite Christ into your life and invite the good. In a world where darkness seems to be multiplying it is up to those who seek to follow Christ to bring the light. We must be in a place to feel the light if we are to share that light with others.
This morning I took my own advice and I wrote down the lies that had been floating through my head. What was interesting, once I had written and numbered them, I recognized them as the lies they were and it gave Heavenly Father space to disprove each and every one. As I went through my day, people that came into my life said things directly in opposition to what the adversary said. With the negative named and numbered, I was also able to feel love, and hope.
If you are struggling trying to find what to do next, if you are feeling discouraged that you will never make it, take a moment to write down the lies, then as you brush your teeth remind yourself that you are a child of God and no matter the choices or mistakes you've made, He still wants you because you are His child. His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, came to earth because He loves you and He is coming again. I hope we can each take control of our thoughts so that when the Spirit directs us to serve, when the Spirit directs us to prepare, we can be ready. Because our Savior is at the door and He is coming quickly.
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