Sunday, August 2, 2015


Life is weird, it is full of ups and downs, joys and pains and I'm quite sure all of us have felt at one time or another that the ups don't last near as long as the downs. Pres Henry B. Eyring said that the very nature of adversity seems to make clocks slow down and sometimes even stop, thus making adversity require the heavenly virtue of patience. But I don't know that I necessarily want to talk about patience, instead I think I want to simply share that when the good comes enjoy it and remember those peaceful joyful feelings when the next not so joyful experience comes.

As I sat in my choir seat vibrating with excitement over my current up moment I thought about all the downs that seemed to surround me in the last little while and I realized just how ungrateful I am. In the moments of ups I can see all the good things, all the times Heavenly Father has sent tender mercies to make my life better in so many ways. After such a powerful, exciting morning I found myself with worries crowding back in, worrying that things really won't work out as I'm hoping they will, just hours after praising my Father for all the gifts He's given now I'm doubting because some dynamic changed some tiny little bit. How changable we humans are, it drives me nuts. So tonight, probably more for me than for anyone else I want to say "Heavenly Father loves me, loves you and loves that person that might be driving you nuts." Sometimes traffic lights do turn green and sometimes that thing you've worked and prayed for really does come, despite the odds or opposition Heavenly Father performs miracles, just because He loves you. He wants the world for you, but sometimes getting the world means understanding what it's worth and that education can take some time. In that moment when you feel yourself gearing up for the next down and not seeing where sunlight could be hold on to that moment the day before when you saw a glimpse of being on top of the world, that moment will come again and what a journey you will go on of learning and of trust.

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