Sunday, April 2, 2017

Life as He Sees

As I listened to Elder S Mark Palmer's talk today I placed myself in the shoe's of the young man who comes to Christ and asks "what lack I yet?" And having received the answer to sell all of his belongings, give the money to the poor and then return and take up the cross to walk with the Savior, who then walks away, I asked myself, "what sins are keeping me from my walk with the Savior?" It can be a painful thing to see ourselves as we truly are. Elder M Russell Ballard made a very good point in his talk when he said he has personal interviews with himself, because who knows his desires, goals, ambitions and motivations better than himself?

As I pondered on that question of what sins keep me from a walk with my Savior, I realized I can love so much more and question so much less, I can assume the best of others instead of the worst, I can give because the Lord asks not because I expect something in return, I can seek His will and His direction instead of the accolades of the world, I can count myself less picked on and seek to lift the hurt of others, I can care less for my plans and my goals and how I look to others and care more to see where Heavenly Father would place me and use me, for His plans are perfect and His goals supreme. Really I learned that I am human, that if I want an uninterrupted walk with Christ I must love as Christ loves, instead of seeing shortcomings or missed opportunities, instead see what has been overcome, where others are coming from, life through their perspective and their desires, hopes and dreams. What we give up to know our Savior and walk with Him, might not be what we expect, that doesn't make it any less important to do.

C Scott Grow

Ronald A Rasband

Robert D Hales

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