Sunday, April 16, 2017


   Today I learned anew just how relentless Satan can be which means I need to be just as relentless, but I'm human and entropy is real so I am so grateful for a Savior who is relentless in His love and desire and defense of me.

   These last few weeks I thought I was still learning, growing, expanding and gaining new understanding. I had been working on cutting out less desirable entertainment and working to take Pres Nelson's challenge to come to know the Savior by reading all about Him from scriptures in the Topical Guide. Yet something still felt off. I was enjoying learning new things and enjoying sharing them and then I relearned just how important it is not to inhale the praise of others. It is so wonderful to be appreciated and to have others recognize your efforts, but I forgot that all I had learned and all I was becoming came because of my Savior Jesus Christ and the Spirit teaching and tutoring me.
   As the various accounts of the Garden of Eden teach us, Satan has many different tools and methodologies at his disposal. Sometimes he can be intimidating, sometimes he can be terrifying, sometimes he can be sly, and sometimes he can be sneaky.  (Understanding the Symbols, Covenants and Ordinances of the Temple by Amy Hardison) In the case of this last week I would say he was sneaky. Though my goal to learn was a good thing, wanting to draw near to our Savior is always a good thing, but Satan wormed in and something that started so good became something about me, about wanting to look knowledgeable and I lost my course. I missed the Spirit but couldn't figure out where it had gone and why it had left. And as I sat in sacrament meeting this morning and sang the hymns of the Restoration, I realized a new that all I am and all I have came from my Savior. The good I have comes because of His sacrifice and the joy I feel is centered in Him.

   I used to think that some good things were mine, but now I realized what ever I do comes because He lives, because He went into a Garden to walk my life with me, to share my joy, to share my sorrow and to help me find my path. He has saved me from death, He has saved me from a life of forever falling short, His has made the bitter moments in my life sweet and He means I never walk alone. I am thankful for a relentless Savior who always accepts me with open arms when I come to myself and realize I have indeed lost my way, I did indeed forget my goal and I lost sight of who I am and what I can be. I'm thankful for a Savior who is my prophet, priest and king, who always beckons me on and seeks my gain. We are never lost from His sight and we are never left to wander alone. Come to a relentless Savior who is seeking you, discard the darkness and seek the light. It is never too far it is never too late.




  1. 1. Our Savior's love
    Shines like the sun with perfect light,
    As from above
    It breaks thru clouds of strife.
    Lighting our way,
    It leads us back into his sight,
    Where we may stay
    To share eternal life.
  2. 2. The Spirit, voice
    Of goodness, whispers to our hearts
    A better choice
    Than evil's anguished cries.
    Loud may the sound
    Of hope ring till all doubt departs,
    And we are bound
    To him by loving ties.
  3. 3. Our Father, God
    Of all creation, hear us pray
    In rev'rence, awed
    By thy Son's sacrifice.
    Praises we sing.
    We love thy law; we will obey.
    Our heav'nly King,
    In thee our hearts rejoice.

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