Sunday, January 7, 2018

Expanding our Possible

I am so very far from perfect, I realize this goes without saying, yet with this understanding also comes amazement that Heavenly Father still blesses me as He does. He is so kind and generous to us His children. Tonight as I looked at the many commandments I am falling short on, on the charity I don't extend to my fellow men and the promptings that I've missed I realized that though I wish I could say that I am trying hard to be obedient and to be good that I'm not doing my best. I am inconsistent, I am confusing in my wibbly-wobbliness. I am a fallen individual with sin and tarnish, I don't always live according to the things I've been taught or understanding that the Lord sends my way. Often I waste my time and often I stay up too late and eat wait more sugar than I should. I suppose these things could be considered little things in the big scheme of things, I mean I'm not doing the "big stuff", but the point of sin is there is no big stuff sin and little stuff sin, all sin, all falling short, all missing the mark is just the missing the mark. When perfection is our goal it doesn't matter whether we are an inch away or ten feet away, we still missed.

 I have been feeling this very keenly lately, not because I have felt condemned, but because I haven't. Because my Heavenly Father and the Savior are still blessing me. Because they give me beautiful days with out pourings of the Spirit, with moments of clarity that clear away the cobwebs of confusion and doubt, because they send light, love and learning even in the act of my falling short. Our God is a great God. Because of the Atonement of our Savior Jesus Christ we are saved even in our falling short, because this life isn't about perfecting our actions, but about perfecting our desire, eternity can bring our actions into line, but without purity of desire and intent, the actions will never come into line.

I'm  thankful for a Savior who saves me in my failings and even as I fall short invites me to ask of Him the impossible. We have a great God, a being who holds the universe in His hands and desires to bless us with the things of that universe, but He won't take away our agency or push in where un-invited. Instead He hopes that we won't limit Him because we don't think we are good enough to receive of His goodness. I hope this year we will remember that with God all things are possible and that He hopes we will expand our possible. We have a great God who delights to bless us, let us not limit Him by only asking for a thimbleful when He wants to give us a swimming pool full. Allow Him the honor of asking in faith for the impossible and improbable. It truly is a faith extending thing when you know He can answer prayers and when you know that not only can He but will He as well.

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